
List services

To get a list of services, run GET against /api/zabbix/ as authenticated user.

Create a Zabbix service

To create a new Zabbix service, issue a POST with service details to /api/zabbix/ as a customer owner.

Request parameters:

  • name - service name,
  • customer - URL of service customer,
  • settings - URL of Zabbix settings, if not defined - new settings will be created from server parameters,
  • dummy - is service dummy.

The following rules for generation of the service settings are used:

  • backend_url - Zabbix API URL (e.g.;
  • username - Zabbix user username (e.g. admin);
  • password - Zabbix user password (e.g. zabbix);
  • host_group_name - Zabbix group name for registered hosts (default: “nodeconductor”);
  • interface_parameters - default parameters for hosts interface. (default: {“dns”: “”, “ip”: “”, “main”: 1, “port”: “10050”, “type”: 1, “useip”: 1});
  • templates_names - List of Zabbix hosts templates. (default: [“NodeConductor”]);
  • database_parameters - Zabbix database parameters. (default: {“host”: “localhost”, “port”: “3306”, “name”: “zabbix”, “user”: “admin”, “password”: “”})

Example of a request:

POST /api/zabbix/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Token c84d653b9ec92c6cbac41c706593e66f567a7fa4

    "name": "My Zabbix"
    "customer": "",
    "backend_url": "",
    "username": "admin",
    "password": "zabbix"


Create host

A new Zabbix host can be created by users with project administrator role, customer owner role or with staff privilege (is_staff=True). To create a host, client must issue POST request to /api/zabbix-hosts/ with parameters:

  • name - host name;
  • service_project_link - url of service-project-link;
  • visible_name - host visible name (optional if scope is defined);
  • scope - optional url of related object, for example of OpenStack instance;
  • description - host description (optional);
  • interface_parameters - host interface parameters (optional);
  • host_group_name - host group name (optional);
  • templates - list of template urls (optional).

For optional fields, such as interface_parameters, host_group_name, templates if value is not specified in request, default value will be taken from service settings.

Example of a valid request:

POST /api/zabbix-hosts/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Token c84d653b9ec92c6cbac41c706593e66f567a7fa4

    "name": "test host",
    "visible_name": "test host",
    "description": "sample description",
    "service_project_link": "",
    "templates": [
            "url": ""

Get host

To get host data - issue GET request against /api/zabbix-hosts/<host_uuid>/.

Example rendering of the host object:

    "url": "",
    "uuid": "c2c29036f6e441908e5f7ca0f2441431",
    "name": "a851fa75-5599-467b-be11-3d15858e8673",
    "description": "",
    "start_time": null,
    "service": "",
    "service_name": "My Zabbix",
    "service_uuid": "1ffaa994d8424b6e9a512ad967ad428c",
    "project": "",
    "project_name": "Default",
    "project_uuid": "8dc8f34f27ef4a4f916184ab71e178e3",
    "customer": "",
    "customer_name": "Alice",
    "customer_native_name": "",
    "customer_abbreviation": "",
    "project_groups": [],
    "tags": [],
    "error_message": "",
    "resource_type": "Zabbix.Host",
    "state": "Online",
    "created": "2015-10-16T11:18:59.596Z",
    "backend_id": "2535",
    "visible_name": "a851fa75-5599-467b-be11-3d15858e8673",
    "interface_parameters": "{u'ip': u'', u'useip': 1, u'dns': u'', u'main': 1, u'type': 1, u'port': u'10050'}",
    "host_group_name": "nodeconductor",
    "scope": null,
    "templates": [
            "url": "",
            "uuid": "99771937d38d41ceba3352b99e01b00b",
            "name": "Template NodeConductor Instance",
            "items": [
                    "name": "Host name of zabbix_agentd running",
                    "key": "agent.hostname"
                    "name": "Agent ping",
                    "key": ""
                    "name": "Version of zabbix_agent(d) running",
                    "key": "agent.version"
    "agreed_sla": 91.5,
    "actual_sla": 100.0

Delete host

To delete host - issue DELETE request against /api/zabbix-hosts/<host_uuid>/.

Host statistics

URL: /api/zabbix-hosts/<host_uuid>/items_history/

Request should specify datetime points and items. There are two ways to define datetime points for historical data.

  1. Send ?point=<timestamp> parameter that can list. Response will contain historical data for each given point in the same order.
  2. Send ?start=<timestamp>, ?end=<timestamp>, ?points_count=<integer> parameters. Result will contain <points_count> points from <start> to <end>.

Also you should specify one or more name of host template items, for example ‘openstack.instance.cpu_util’

Response is list of datapoint, each of which is dictionary with following fields:
  • ‘point’ - timestamp;
  • ‘value’ - values are converted from bytes to megabytes, if possible;
  • ‘item’ - name of host template item.

Example response:

        "point": 1441935000,
        "value": 0.1393,
        "item": "openstack.instance.cpu_util"
        "point": 1442163600,
        "value": 10.2583,
        "item": "openstack.instance.cpu_util"
        "point": 1442392200,
        "value": 20.3725,
        "item": "openstack.instance.cpu_util"
        "point": 1442620800,
        "value": 30.3426,
        "item": "openstack.instance.cpu_util"
        "point": 1442849400,
        "value": 40.3353,
        "item": "openstack.instance.cpu_util"
        "point": 1443078000,
        "value": 50.3574,
        "item": "openstack.instance.cpu_util"

Aggregated host statistics

URL: /api/zabbix-hosts/aggregated_items_history/

Request should specify host filtering parameters, datetime points, and items. Host filtering parameters are the same as for /api/resources/ endpoint. Input/output format is the same as for /api/zabbix-hosts/<host_uuid>/items_history/ endpoint.

Example request and response:

GET /api/zabbix-hosts/aggregated_items_history/?point=1436094582&point=1443078000&customer_uuid=7313b71bd1cc421ea297dcb982e40260&item=openstack.instance.cpu_util HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Token c84d653b9ec92c6cbac41c706593e66f567a7fa4

        "point": 1436094582,
        "item": "openstack.instance.cpu_util",
        "value": 40.3353
        "point": 1443078000,
        "item": "openstack.instance.cpu_util",
        "value": 50.3574

IT services and SLA calculation

The status of IT Service is affected by the status of its trigger.

List triggers

Triggers are available as Zabbix service properties under /api/zabbix-triggers/ endpoint. You may filter triggers by template by passing its ID as GET query parameter.

        "url": "",
        "uuid": "3e19dc77279d42ccb6c2e21f2a2f6ced",
        "name": "Host name of zabbix_agentd was changed on {HOST.NAME}",
        "template": ""

List IT services

IT services are available as Zabbix service properties under /api/zabbix-itservices/ endpoint.

    "url": "",
    "uuid": "db075c3c8d494f5886fc0f6686390624",
    "name": "example-it-service",
    "description": "",
    "start_time": null,
    "service": "",
    "service_name": "TST Zabbix",
    "service_uuid": "18931f568b344b3fbc8d048cbe806ff6",
    "project": "",
    "project_name": "TST PaaS project",
    "project_uuid": "f43171f9374442b78ce7e842effea0aa",
    "customer": "",
    "customer_name": "TST Paas customer",
    "customer_native_name": "",
    "customer_abbreviation": "",
    "project_groups": [],
    "tags": [],
    "error_message": "",
    "resource_type": "Zabbix.ITService",
    "state": "Online",
    "created": "2016-02-22T06:56:37.393Z",
    "backend_id": "1590",
    "access_url": null,
    "host": "",
    "algorithm": "problem, if at least one child has a problem",
    "sort_order": 1,
    "agreed_sla": "99.0000",
    "actual_sla": 100.0,
    "trigger": "",
    "trigger_name": "PostgreSQL is not available",
    "is_main": true

SLA periods

IT services list is displaying current SLAs for each of the items. By default, SLA period is set to the current month. To change the period pass it as a query argument:

  • ?period=YYYY-MM - return a list with SLAs for a given month
  • ?period=YYYY - return a list with SLAs for a given year

If SLA for the given period is not known or not present, it will be shown as null in the response.

SLA events

IT service SLAs are connected with occurrences of events. To get a list of such events issue a GET request to /zabbix-itservices/<service_uuid>/events/. Optionally period can be supplied using the format defined above.

The output contains a list of states and timestamps when the state was reached. The list is sorted in descending order by the timestamp.

Example output:

        "timestamp": 1418043540,
        "state": "U"
        "timestamp": 1417928550,
        "state": "D"
        "timestamp": 1417928490,
        "state": "U"