Services ======== List services ------------- To get a list of services, run GET against **/api/zabbix/** as authenticated user. Create a Zabbix service ----------------------- To create a new Zabbix service, issue a POST with service details to **/api/zabbix/** as a customer owner. Request parameters: - name - service name, - customer - URL of service customer, - settings - URL of Zabbix settings, if not defined - new settings will be created from server parameters, - dummy - is service dummy. The following rules for generation of the service settings are used: - backend_url - Zabbix API URL (e.g.; - username - Zabbix user username (e.g. admin); - password - Zabbix user password (e.g. zabbix); - host_group_name - Zabbix group name for registered hosts (default: "nodeconductor"); - interface_parameters - default parameters for hosts interface. (default: {"dns": "", "ip": "", "main": 1, "port": "10050", "type": 1, "useip": 1}); - templates_names - List of Zabbix hosts templates. (default: ["NodeConductor"]); - database_parameters - Zabbix database parameters. (default: {"host": "localhost", "port": "3306", "name": "zabbix", "user": "admin", "password": ""}) Example of a request: .. code-block:: http POST /api/zabbix/ HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json Accept: application/json Authorization: Token c84d653b9ec92c6cbac41c706593e66f567a7fa4 Host: { "name": "My Zabbix" "customer": "", "backend_url": "", "username": "admin", "password": "zabbix" } Service-project links ===================== Create and delete link ---------------------- In order to be able to provision Zabbix resources, it must first be linked to a project. To do that, POST a connection between project and a service to **/api/zabbix-service-project-link/** as staff user or customer owner. For example, .. code-block:: http POST /api/zabbix-service-project-link/ HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json Accept: application/json Authorization: Token c84d653b9ec92c6cbac41c706593e66f567a7fa4 Host: { "project": "", "service": "" } To remove a link, issue DELETE to url of the corresponding connection as staff user or customer owner. List links ---------- To get a list of connections between a project and a Zabbix service, run GET against **/api/zabbix-service-project-link/** as authenticated user. Note that a user can only see connections of a project where a user has a role. Hosts ===== Create host ----------- A new Zabbix host can be created by users with project administrator role, customer owner role or with staff privilege (is_staff=True). To create a host, client must issue POST request to **/api/zabbix-hosts/** with parameters: - name - host name; - service_project_link - url of service-project-link; - visible_name - host visible name (optional if scope is defined); - scope - optional url of related object, for example of OpenStack instance; - description - host description (optional); - interface_parameters - host interface parameters (optional); - host_group_name - host group name (optional); - templates - list of template urls (optional). For optional fields, such as interface_parameters, host_group_name, templates if value is not specified in request, default value will be taken from service settings. Example of a valid request: .. code-block:: http POST /api/zabbix-hosts/ HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json Accept: application/json Authorization: Token c84d653b9ec92c6cbac41c706593e66f567a7fa4 Host: { "name": "test host", "visible_name": "test host", "description": "sample description", "service_project_link": "", "templates": [ { "url": "" } ] } Get host -------- To get host data - issue GET request against **/api/zabbix-hosts//**. Example rendering of the host object: .. code-block:: javascript { "url": "", "uuid": "c2c29036f6e441908e5f7ca0f2441431", "name": "a851fa75-5599-467b-be11-3d15858e8673", "description": "", "start_time": null, "service": "", "service_name": "My Zabbix", "service_uuid": "1ffaa994d8424b6e9a512ad967ad428c", "project": "", "project_name": "Default", "project_uuid": "8dc8f34f27ef4a4f916184ab71e178e3", "customer": "", "customer_name": "Alice", "customer_native_name": "", "customer_abbreviation": "", "project_groups": [], "tags": [], "error_message": "", "resource_type": "Zabbix.Host", "state": "Online", "created": "2015-10-16T11:18:59.596Z", "backend_id": "2535", "visible_name": "a851fa75-5599-467b-be11-3d15858e8673", "interface_parameters": "{u'ip': u'', u'useip': 1, u'dns': u'', u'main': 1, u'type': 1, u'port': u'10050'}", "host_group_name": "nodeconductor", "scope": null, "templates": [ { "url": "", "uuid": "99771937d38d41ceba3352b99e01b00b", "name": "Template NodeConductor Instance", "items": [ { "name": "Host name of zabbix_agentd running", "key": "agent.hostname" }, { "name": "Agent ping", "key": "" }, { "name": "Version of zabbix_agent(d) running", "key": "agent.version" } ] } ], "agreed_sla": 91.5, "actual_sla": 100.0 } Delete host ----------- To delete host - issue DELETE request against **/api/zabbix-hosts//**. Host statistics --------------- URL: **/api/zabbix-hosts//items_history/** Request should specify datetime points and items. There are two ways to define datetime points for historical data. 1. Send *?point=* parameter that can list. Response will contain historical data for each given point in the same order. 2. Send *?start=*, *?end=*, *?points_count=* parameters. Result will contain points from to . Also you should specify one or more name of host template items, for example 'openstack.instance.cpu_util' Response is list of datapoint, each of which is dictionary with following fields: - 'point' - timestamp; - 'value' - values are converted from bytes to megabytes, if possible; - 'item' - name of host template item. Example response: .. code-block:: javascript [ { "point": 1441935000, "value": 0.1393, "item": "openstack.instance.cpu_util" }, { "point": 1442163600, "value": 10.2583, "item": "openstack.instance.cpu_util" }, { "point": 1442392200, "value": 20.3725, "item": "openstack.instance.cpu_util" }, { "point": 1442620800, "value": 30.3426, "item": "openstack.instance.cpu_util" }, { "point": 1442849400, "value": 40.3353, "item": "openstack.instance.cpu_util" }, { "point": 1443078000, "value": 50.3574, "item": "openstack.instance.cpu_util" } ] Aggregated host statistics -------------------------- URL: **/api/zabbix-hosts/aggregated_items_history/** Request should specify host filtering parameters, datetime points, and items. Host filtering parameters are the same as for */api/resources/* endpoint. Input/output format is the same as for **/api/zabbix-hosts//items_history/** endpoint. Example request and response: .. code-block:: http GET /api/zabbix-hosts/aggregated_items_history/?point=1436094582&point=1443078000&customer_uuid=7313b71bd1cc421ea297dcb982e40260&item=openstack.instance.cpu_util HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json Accept: application/json Authorization: Token c84d653b9ec92c6cbac41c706593e66f567a7fa4 Host: [ { "point": 1436094582, "item": "openstack.instance.cpu_util", "value": 40.3353 }, { "point": 1443078000, "item": "openstack.instance.cpu_util", "value": 50.3574 } ] IT services and SLA calculation =============================== The status of `IT Service `_ is affected by the status of its trigger. List triggers ------------- Triggers are available as Zabbix service properties under */api/zabbix-triggers/* endpoint. You may filter triggers by template by passing its ID as GET query parameter. .. code-block:: javascript [ { "url": "", "uuid": "3e19dc77279d42ccb6c2e21f2a2f6ced", "name": "Host name of zabbix_agentd was changed on {HOST.NAME}", "template": "" } ] List IT services ---------------- IT services are available as Zabbix service properties under */api/zabbix-itservices/* endpoint. .. code-block:: javascript { "url": "", "uuid": "db075c3c8d494f5886fc0f6686390624", "name": "example-it-service", "description": "", "start_time": null, "service": "", "service_name": "TST Zabbix", "service_uuid": "18931f568b344b3fbc8d048cbe806ff6", "project": "", "project_name": "TST PaaS project", "project_uuid": "f43171f9374442b78ce7e842effea0aa", "customer": "", "customer_name": "TST Paas customer", "customer_native_name": "", "customer_abbreviation": "", "project_groups": [], "tags": [], "error_message": "", "resource_type": "Zabbix.ITService", "state": "Online", "created": "2016-02-22T06:56:37.393Z", "backend_id": "1590", "access_url": null, "host": "", "algorithm": "problem, if at least one child has a problem", "sort_order": 1, "agreed_sla": "99.0000", "actual_sla": 100.0, "trigger": "", "trigger_name": "PostgreSQL is not available", "is_main": true } SLA periods ----------- IT services list is displaying current SLAs for each of the items. By default, SLA period is set to the current month. To change the period pass it as a query argument: - ?period=YYYY-MM - return a list with SLAs for a given month - ?period=YYYY - return a list with SLAs for a given year If SLA for the given period is not known or not present, it will be shown as **null** in the response. SLA events ---------- IT service SLAs are connected with occurrences of events. To get a list of such events issue a GET request to */zabbix-itservices//events/*. Optionally period can be supplied using the format defined above. The output contains a list of states and timestamps when the state was reached. The list is sorted in descending order by the timestamp. Example output: .. code-block:: javascript [ { "timestamp": 1418043540, "state": "U" }, { "timestamp": 1417928550, "state": "D" }, { "timestamp": 1417928490, "state": "U" } ]